CE Linux Forum Video Archive
You can access to the CE Linux Forum video archive which contains presentations which are useful for embedded system developments.
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Japan Technical Jamboree #34
This event was held on September 3rd 2010 at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo. For the details, please look into eLinux wiki.
- Improving Android Bootup Time (English)
- Logging system of Android (Japanese)
- Reusing your existing software resource on Android (Japanese)
- Demonstration (Japanese)
- Debian Conference 2010 (Japanese)
- Evaluation of Reatime Performance (Japanese)
- How to use "tracepoints" (Japanese)
Embedded Linux Conference 2010
The video archive is available at Free Electrons' web site. http://free-electrons.com/blog/elc-2010-videos/
Japan Technical Jamboree #33
This event was held on June 4th 2010 at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo. For the details, please look into eLinux wiki.
- Embedded Linux Update (English)
- CELF Project and Conference Information (English)
- ELC-2010 Reoprt (Japanese)
- Kexec - Ready for Embedded Linux? (English)
- Kexec - Ready for Embedded Linux? Demonstration (English)
- Reporting "Google I/O" (Japanese)
- Verification of response time in various Real-time implementation (Japanese)
- Cross-building on user mode QEMU (Japanese)
- Native Build System using OBS and Target Hardware Cluster (Japanese)
- Evaluation of busybox bootchartd (Japanese)
- Understanding Froyo DalvikVM JIT (Japanese translation of Google I/O session) (Japanese)
Japan Technical Jamboree #32
This event was held on March 5th 2010 at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo. For the details, please look into eLinux wiki.
- Embedded Linux Update (English)
- CELF Project and Conference Information (English)
- Introducing the bootloader 'barebox' (English)
- Using QEMU for cross development (Japanese)
- Using QEMU for cross development / Demonstration part (Japanese)
- Lock free Algorithm for C++ Container (Japanese)
- Debian and embedded system (Japanese)
- Long-term testing on accelerated Linux kernel (Japanese)
Japan Technical Jamboree #31
This event was held on December 18th 2009 at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo. For the details, please look into eLinux wiki.
- Status of Embedded Linux (English)
- CE Linux Forum Contracted Development Projects Status (English) (Including brief introduction of current Open Project Proposals)
- Demonstration of "SheevaPlug (Kuro-Sheeva)"
- [Japan Linux Symposium replay] Rescuing SuperH to Linux common place
- [Android Related] Porting Android to SuperH platform
- [Android Related] Demonstration of Android on SH and improvement of multimedia handling
- [Android Related / ET2009 enhanced] Utilize SoC built-in video acceleration engie on Android
- [Android Related] Let's play with the "goldfish"
- Evaluation of Data Reliability on Linux File Systems
- The Latest status report of TOMOYO Linux
Embedded Technology (ET) 2009 / Forum Booth
This presentation was prepared for the booth of CE Linux Forum. As to the ET 2009, please look into this (Japanese) or this (English) web site. It was Japan domestic public exhibition about the embedded technologies which was held from 18th to 20th November, 2009
Japan Technical Jamboree #30
This event was held on October 2nd 2009 at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo. For the details, please look into eLinux wiki.
- Status of Embedded Linux (English)
- CE Linux Forum Contracted Development Projects Status (English)
- Measureing function duration (on ARM) with FTrace (English)
- Real-time Filure (English)
- Voice from embedded system developers to Kernel Summit participants (Japanese)
- Evaluation of UBI and UBIFS (Japanese)
Japan Technical Jamboree #29
This event was held on July 17th 2009 at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo. For the details, please look into eLinux wiki.
- Status of Embedded Kernel Features (English)
- Live report from Montreal Linux Symposium (English)
- CELF Sponsoring Projects Status Update (English)
- Evaluation of Flash File Systems for Large NAND Flash Memory (Japanese)
- Latest Kernel Development Status Watch together with discussion about C Group, FTrace and so on (Japanese)
- Lightening Talks (Japanese)
Japan Technical Jamboree #28
This event was held on June 12th 2009 at Shi-Osaka Station Hotel Annex. For the details, please look into eLinux wiki.
- TOMOYO Linux on Android (Appreciation by Harada san) (Japanese)
- TOMOYO Linux on Android (Introduction) (Japanese)
- TOMOYO Linux on Android (Demonstration and discussions) (mostly in English)
- GIT How to (Japanese)
- Load to add new architecture in Debian (Japanese)
- Latest Kernel Development Status Watch (Japanese)
Japan Technical Jamboree #27
This event was held on May 22nd 2009 at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo. For the details, please look into eLinux wiki.